Tom Demeulemeester

PhD Researcher, funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

Research Centre For Operations Research and Statistics at KU Leuven.

Supervised by Roel Leus and Dries Goossens.

My main research interests are operations research, combinatorial optimization, matching/assignment, computational social choice, and algorithmic game theory.

Email: tom (dot) demeulemeester (at) kuleuven (dot) be
Please feel free to contact me for questions about my research, or if you want to collaborate.


Paper in the spotlight

How to fairly select one of the (possibly many) optimal solutions of an integer programming formulation?

In Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences, we propose a unified framework to fairly select optimal solutions of integer programming formulations. As such, we embed the "black-box" procedure of solving an integer program into a framework that is explainable from start to finish. 

We propose several general-purpose algorithms to maximize, for example, Nash welfare or the minimum selection probability, and we study their axiomatic and computational properties.

More details can be found in the preprint.
